5 Social Media Content Ideas For Auto Dealerships

content ideas

Like it or not, social media is a major presence in our hyper-phone obsessed era of technology; the advertising revolution is taking form right in front of our eyes, and those smart enough to take advantage of the digital age are making small fortunes every single day. This is especially true for car dealerships. If […]

3 Facebook Ad Strategies For Car Dealership Advertising

When it comes to social media advertising, Facebook is still the #1 biggest platform…by far. According to MarketingLand.com, Facebook accounts for over 80% of social media ad spending. The amount? In 2019, Statista.com reported that total Facebook ad spend was over $1.57 billion. This proves that the original social media platform is still the place […]

3 Instagram Car Dealership Marketing Ideas

If you own or manage a car dealership but are not already advertising via Instagram, you could potentially be missing out on lots of leads and profits. What was once a hidden secret in the digital marketing world is now one of the most popular social media apps out today. Bought by Facebook in 2012, […]

5 Facebook Ad Styles to Drive Car Dealership Customer Engagement

With over 2.23 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the holy grail for digital marketing. Businesses of all sizes have utilized the power of Facebook advertising to leverage their marketing efforts in a way that wasn’t possible before the age of the internet. The main benefit of all social media advertising is cost; never before […]

Why Facebook’s Automotive Inventory Feature is So Powerful for Car Dealers

If you advertise your car dealership online and aren’t already using Facebook’s Auto Inventory feature, this article is a must read for you. You could potentially be missing out on quality leads and thousands of dollars in gross profits. Facebook has made it incredibly easy for car dealerships to advertise on their platform in an […]

5 Car Dealership Marketing Ideas to Drive More Leads

Digital marketing is the new frontier for businesses of all sizes, industry, and location. If you own or manage a car dealership, online advertising is one the best ways to get quality leads inexpensively. This article will detail five different car dealership marketing ideas that your company can use to generate more leads, ultimately resulting […]

Step 5 of Lead Generation: Closing Sales and Reporting on KPI’s

Step 5: Sales and Reporting Sales This fifth step in our lead model is all about the back end of the sales funnel. By now, considering the customer has gone through the first four steps involved in the process, they have provided you with their contact details – they have converted from traffic into a […]

Step 2 of Lead Generation: Warm Your Customers with Useful Content

Step 2: Warm with Content If you’ve followed the first step correctly and put effort into promoting brand awareness, that means you will now have prospective customers that are interested enough in what you have to offer that they are clicking onto your ads. So, what now? Well, the goal is to not disappoint. The […]