
5 Social Media Content Ideas For Auto Dealerships

content ideas

Like it or not, social media is a major presence in our hyper-phone obsessed era of technology; the advertising revolution is taking form right in front of our eyes, and those smart enough to take advantage of the digital age are making small fortunes every single day.

This is especially true for car dealerships.

If you run or own a car dealership, social media is one of the best avenues to cultivate a following and increase awareness for the vehicles you sell. Since the ‘inventory’ held by car dealerships tends to be photogenic, it is not difficult to share images and videos of your car to draw attention to your location.

Late to the social media marketing craze, or have you not fully realized it’s potential yet?

No problem – use any of the following five social media content ideas as a stepping stone to get your feet wet into one of the best marketing opportunities in 2020 and beyond.

  • Special Events

Are you running a promotion or have a special event coming up at your car dealership?

Consider posting about it on your social media channels; your followers want to know these things! After all, who doesn’t love a good sale?

A discounted car is exactly what your social media followers are interested in, and a simple Instagram or Facebook post is all it takes for a couple extra sales.

  • Inventory Images

Posting pictures of your vehicles is one of the easiest ways to sell your inventory.

After all, what more needs to be said other than a simple photo, followed by a short description? If someone on your social media is interested in buying a new car, a simple photo can be all it takes to get them into your dealership, talking it over with your sales people.

Make sure the image is crisp and flattering.

  • Video Tours

A video tour of your car dealership is a great way to show off your vehicles you have for sale and allows the ‘video host’ a chance to soft-sell the cars, as if they were speaking to a prospective buyer directly.

This is a virtually free advertisement that can work wonders.

  • Customer Testimonials

If you have any customer testimonials that are particularly complimentary of your dealership or services, this makes for a great social media post.

People love to hear stories from other people; testimonials make for great social proof, as well as the opportunity to ‘advertise’ your dealership without really selling.

Simply attach quotes over images or request video testimonials and post them to your social media channels.

  • Action Shots

While these can take a lot of work to be done correctly, if they turn out well you will be surprised by how many hot leads a great action shot video can produce.

Take a vehicle (or two) out for a drive in awe-inspiring scenery and film it; compile the images in a short video, include music, and you might have a lead-generation machine on your hands.

If your car dealership needs help with social media content or any other form of car dealer marketing, read more about our services at – https://www.catalystautomotive.com.au/services/