5 Social Media Content Ideas For Auto Dealerships

content ideas

Like it or not, social media is a major presence in our hyper-phone obsessed era of technology; the advertising revolution is taking form right in front of our eyes, and those smart enough to take advantage of the digital age are making small fortunes every single day. This is especially true for car dealerships. If […]

Google Adwords vs. SEO: Which Is Better For Your Car Dealership?

Google is undoubtedly the king of online marketing. According to Forbes, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will soon be an $80 billion industry; not surprisingly, the concept of ranking #1 for certain search terms is highly appealing and, mostly, free of cost. However, increased competition and constantly shifting algorithms makes SEO a tough nut to crack, […]

Why Facebook’s Automotive Inventory Feature is So Powerful for Car Dealers

If you advertise your car dealership online and aren’t already using Facebook’s Auto Inventory feature, this article is a must read for you. You could potentially be missing out on quality leads and thousands of dollars in gross profits. Facebook has made it incredibly easy for car dealerships to advertise on their platform in an […]

Find the best automotive marketing agency for your business

If you’re looking for an automotive marketing agency, you’ll need to make a careful assessment of how an agency stacks up against the needs of your business Finding a digital marketing agency that meets your business’ needs can be tricky. There are plenty to choose from, but they’re not all created equal. And if you […]